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Belajar bahasa Inggris sangat menyenangkan ya sob, selain bisa membuat
lebih berprestasi juga sobat menjadi tambah terampil dalam berkomunikasi
menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Pada pembahasan materi kali ini selain
disajikan kosakata tentang kesehatan dan rumah sakit (Health and
Hospital) juga ada contoh kalimat dan latihan soal. Baiklah sob, berikut
adalah Health and Hospital, Materi Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6. Silahkan
disimak ya...
Ambulance : Ambulan
Bandage : Perban
Wheelchair : Kursi roda
Medicine : Obat
Microscope : Mikroskop
Crutch : Tongkat, Penopang
Syringe : Suntikan
Stethoscope : Stetoskop
Stretcher : Tandu
Plaster : Plaster
Cotton wool : Kapas
Thermometer : Termometer
Hospital : Rumah sakit
Doctor : Dokter
Dentist : Dokter gigi
Nurse : Perawat
Prescription : Resep dokter
Toothache : Sakit gigi
Stomachache : Sakit perut
Backache : Sakit punggung
Earache : Sakit telinga
Eyesore : Sakit mata
Cough : Batuk
Headache : Sakit kepala
Contoh Kalimat:
1. Karina drinks medicine three times a day.
(Karina minum obat tiga kali sehari.)
2. My mother buys medicine in the pharmacy.
(Ibu saya membeli obat di apotik.)
3. My grandmother can't walk. She sits on the wheelchair.
(Nenek saya tidak dapat berjalan. Dia duduk di kursi roda.)
4. An ambulance is used to take the patient to the hospital.
(Ambulan digunakan untuk membawa pasien ke rumah sakit.)
5. My aunt is sick. She goes to the hospital.
(Bibi saya sakit. Dia pergi ke rumah sakit.)
6. Mr. Dani feels pain in his back. He has a backache.
(Pak Dani merasa sakit di bagian belakang. Dia sakit punggung.)
7. Carla feels pain in her teeth. She has a toothache.
(Carla merasa sakit giginya. Dia sakit gigi.)
8. The patient is walking with a crutch.
(Pasien itu berjalan menggunakan tongkat.)
9. My sister has toothache. She goes to the dentist.
(Kakak saya sakit gigi. Dia perdi ke dokter gigi.)
10. A hospital is a place where sick people get a treatment.
(Rumah sakit adalah tempat untuk orang sakit mendapat pengobatan.)
Latihan Soal
Read the text and answer the questions!
(Pak Dani merasa sakit di bagian belakang. Dia sakit punggung.)
7. Carla feels pain in her teeth. She has a toothache.
(Carla merasa sakit giginya. Dia sakit gigi.)
8. The patient is walking with a crutch.
(Pasien itu berjalan menggunakan tongkat.)
9. My sister has toothache. She goes to the dentist.
(Kakak saya sakit gigi. Dia perdi ke dokter gigi.)
10. A hospital is a place where sick people get a treatment.
(Rumah sakit adalah tempat untuk orang sakit mendapat pengobatan.)
Latihan Soal
Read the text and answer the questions!
My name is Yuli. I am a student of elementary school. I am in
the sixth class now. My hobby is doing sports. Every Sunday morning, I
go to swimming pool for swimming. I also play badminton every Wednesday
and Friday afternoon. I do these activities to keep my body healthy.
Besides doing exercise I also eats nutritious food. I eat three times a
day. I have breakfast at 6.00 a.m, lunch at 1.00 p.m and dinner at 7.00
p.m. I go to bed at 9.00 p.m. and wake up at 5.00 a.m.
1. What is the writer's hobby?
2. What does Yuli do on Wednesday and Friday afternoon?
3. What does Yuli do every Sunday morning?
4. What time does Yuli wake up?
5. Why does Yuli do exercise?
1. Her hobby is doing sports.
2. She plays badminton.
3. Swimming
4. At 5.00 a.m.
5. To keep her body healthy.
Itulah Health and Hospital, Materi Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6. Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan. Semoga bermanfaat.
5. To keep her body healthy.
Itulah Health and Hospital, Materi Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6. Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan. Semoga bermanfaat.
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